With its generous 102mm aperture, the National Geographic Sky Assist 102 telescope is a perfect portal into the realm of deep sky observation. This telescope produces great views of planets and bright deep sky objects like star clusters and nebulae. It comes with a special mount that allows observers to attach their smart phone to the telescope and use the ARTelescope App to locate and learn about constellations and planets. As they move the telescope, users will hear facts about the objects in the app’s database as they come into view. The telescope comes with two eyepieces and a 2x Barlow lens for multiple magnification options.
Item Number 80-10260Power magnification 26.4x & 66x (3x Barlow: 79.2x & 198x)
Plossl Eyepieces 25 mm & 10 mm
Diameter 102 mm Lens
Focal Length 660 mm
Viewfinder Red Dot
Adapter Smartphone
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SKU: 102